www.ekopower.nl version 7.0 Rev sept 2010
iBOX datalogger control software
- datasheet for iBOX
information at web page about iBOX dataloggers
Refer also to:
- hardware manual of iBOX
- application note
for low power iBOX
application note for use of 3G/GPRS wireless router
- application note for
WiFi/3G networks
NEW EKO-options:
* ULTRA LOW POWER version available for battery
operation at remote sites
* 3G router with EKO switch in order to save energy and less HF electromagnetic
* Small low cost WiFi module available, including EKO switch in order to save
energy and WiFi Fields
For best possible performance of
the system as a whole read this manual carefully before using
the system.
iBOX dataloggers are new (state-of-the-art)
and very compact, easy to use, accurate and flexible
datalogger systems
which can be supplied in standard versions or according customers
and can be used for a wide range of monitoring applications
for eg:
nature & technology, energy & environment, laboratory
& industry etc
The iBOX has an Ethernet connector and
webserver with optional
graphs and
Optional ultra low power versions are available and with wireless LAN (WLAN
via WiFi)
Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN) using a GPRS/3G router: ideal for remote or mobile applications!
Two way remote communication is possible via Ethernet or over
the Internet
(also from remote locations with wireless GPRS/3G/UMTS/WiMAX router):
- The embedded webserver of the iBOX is available for setup, adjusting
parameters and reading values etc
- The iBOX can send automatically values and collected datafiles at preset
intervals to a specified server
The values can be displayed in optional
graphs and/or
webdisplay(s) according to the requirements.
Besides Standard version also customised systems are available for
wind energy feasibility
studies, meteorology, weather stations,
energy and environment.
Also special projects (according your specifications) are carried out
with the iBOX.
Setup and Operation
The installation should be carried out by qualified technicians.
See separate mounting instructions for specific projects.
The setup of the iBOX is easy
using this Control Program
for Windows for adjusting all parameters, which are written
at the SD memory card. After preparation of the SD card the operation can start
by putting the SD card in the iBOX.
After start all LEDS are sequentially flashing and the only the green LED
"operation ON will flash at the
adjusted sample frequency.
For operation it is also possible to use the embedded webserver and to change
some of the most used parameters
Refer to part WEBSERVER
When installing the software take note of the Tips!
you need to go into the field take this manual with you in order
to solve possible problems.
All the text printed
Italic are buttons or menu options which can be used in the program.
Text printed underlined are important notes and tips.
Notes before starting:
Note that the SD Card Memory card is a (solid state) harddisk.
Windows will install this card as a hard disk!
you inserted a SD Card memory card into the slot Windows should
add a drive letter on your computer.
The added drive letter should be selected in the setup of the
iBOX-EKO21N Control software.
Installing the Control Software on a Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XP
based PC.
The software setup program (in a zip file) will
either be mailed to you or put on an extra SD Card.
Copy the zip file in a directory on your computer. Unzip the file and run the setup.exe file.
Install Wizard will guide you through the installation process.
Tip: When the Install Wizard prompts you for a destination directory
in which to install the software
change its name into a shorter and easier to use directory name
by pressing the change Directory button
e.g. C:\iBOX-EKO21N (C:\ or D:\ depends on the hard drive you
want to use).
After installing
the Control Software you have to copy the supplied Configuration file into the
same folder in which the Control Software is installed.
This configuration
file comes together with the software and will be mailed to you or put on
extra SD Card. The configuration file name is formatted as follows:
- Configuration-E.003 for an iBOX (E
for Ethernet) with logger identification code 3.
Configuration-G.009 for an EKO21N-iP (G for GPRS+RS232 interface)
with logger identification code 9.
After installing the program you can start using the program.
Press the START button and choose PROGRAMS. Select
the iBOX-EKO21N program and start the program.
(Refer to the Windows Help about making a shortcut to the Desktop)
Select the supplied Configuration file see below and enter.
The SD Card drive should be specified when
the memory card menu is choosen
First put in a SD card in the slot or SD reader and Windows
will recognize the drive letter.
Select the card drive letter which is indicated by Windows.
The iBOX has NO serial connection, but Ethernet connector
with embededed webserver!
Logger Description
You can give a description of your iBOX. You can enter
eg the project name or location of the system.
Your system is now ready to work with the iBOX Datalogger.
Every time you use the iBOX-EKO21N Control Software the last used configuration file is opened automatically.
If you want to use
a different Configuration File of a particular iBOX or EKO21N select it from the
drop-down list box.
All options available in the Memory Cards menu interact with the SD memory card, which should be in the SD slot
Prepare Card enables you to make a memory card ready for use
with an iBOX.
"Prepare Card" clears all data
on that card and creates a file with default name
The size of this file is equal to the size of the formatted card.
After preparing a card it can be inserted into the iBOX
and a measuring period will start. Before a card can be prepared
it needs to be formatted using Windows and may not contain any
files! The parameters (which are defined in the other menu parts
like Change Parameters) are written at the card, like:
- The Identification Text identifies a specific measurement location or period
- Sample interval (determines how often a sample is taken)
- Record Interval determines after how many samples data should
be written to card (with average value and optional min/max/standard
Notes: (there are some important notes, please read these carefully)
Downloading data through a SD card
reader is
the fastest way of downloading possible.
Press the Start button to start
downloading. Select a directoy where the data should be saved.
The progress bar indicates the progress of downloading. After downloading the program asks you if you want to prepare the card.
It is possible to change all datalogger & measurement
Parameters (and Configuration data)
by preparing the memory card
Parameters included are Identification Text which identifies a
specific measurement period, Sample and Record Interval, Timing Method ,
Ethernet settings etc. The configuration is written at the SD card.
In this menu can be set:
If a card is prepared for use in logger 1 (with Logger Code 1) and inserted in logger 2 (with LoggerCode 2) it will respond with the error message "Card not Prepared" (on LEDS and through the Status option). Download possible present data using the Configuration file belonging to logger 1 and prepare the card using Configuration file belonging to logger 2. Insert card into logger 2 and logging will start.
Choose menu: Change parameters - Upload interval
Upload data/current every: fill in after how many samples data/current
values must be send.
Data arrival interval: after how many minutes/hours a data/current
file will be uploaded to a server.
Note: when changing upload intervals, data arrival interval will
automatically be changed to.
As the data is send in blocks of 512 bytes very short intervals are not
A practical tool for combining of downloaded files to
one file is available, see manual
Calculation of used memory:
Each character has one byte ; (;=delimiter for separation of colums for eg
import in Excel)
date ; time
; value1; value2 ; etc
Example of one line with data:
12-03-09;12:26:25;32.25 ; 4.03 has 28 bytes
Note: The data of the datalogger iBOX can be send -for testing
& evaluation purposes- to a directory of our server.
GPRS Settings of GPRS router see additional note supplied with the
See also:
- application note
for low power iBOX
application note for use of 3G/GPRS wireless router
- application note for
WiFi/3G networks
When a (wireless) Router (or WiFi Bridge) is used for ultra low
power application at remote site you can adjust
(in advance) some parameters:
> Wait time is the time the system wait for a respons from the
> Keep alive time is the time the system is available for contact,
see also the notes below:
NOTE: when the iBOX is supplied in ultra low power mode
you can make only direct contact with the iBOX
when you connect the Ethernet cable first to the (at least one minute
unpowered) iBOX and then connect the power supply to the iBOX !
Low power mode is enabled again after you disconnect and connect the power of
the iBOX again and carried out without
Ethernet cable connected!
The iBOX system is supplied with programmed ready for use and
with settings are usually entered (by Ekopower) in the control
for test purposes . We recommend
that you save the original configuration file separately for backup.
You have to change the preset server settings for your own
> HOW to find the iP adres of a server?
Start - execute - cmd<enter>
Ping www.servername.com<enter>
The embedded WEBSERVER
Some parameters are also adjustable using the embedded webserver of the
Just make contact with a PC in a network using your browser,
hardware manual for iBOX
See also:
Demo embedded webserver
NOTE: the webserver may -temporary- be not accessible during an FTP session
(during sending a file to server)
Overview important logger parameters and possibilities how to set or change:
- via SD card means using the Control software and to prepare the card
- via the embedded webserver of the iBOX or iSENSE (iSENSE without
logging function to SD card)
logger pararameter: | iBOX / iSENSE with embedded webserver |
time and date 1) | via webserver |
sample interval | via webserver and via SD card |
record interval | via webserver and via SD card |
upload interval | via webserver and via SD card |
ip address/map server/etc. | via webserver and via SD card |
ip address of system | via SD card note: default ip address without SD card is |
set input type and nr 2) | via SD card |
ranges and units 2) | via SD card |
sample/record delay 2) | via SD card |
set alarm conditions 2) 4) | via SD card |
sms alarm message 4) | (via forwarded email) |
email alarm message 4) | via SD card (email address also via webserver) |
description of logger | via webserver and via SD card |
timer switch settings & low power mode 4) |
via SD card (switching GPRS/3G router) |
operation & actions | |
controlling outputs 4) | via webserver (also over internet!) |
clear card | via webserver and via SD card |
read values and status | via webserver
and via optional online webdisplay / graphs |
download data 3) | via FTP (automatically)
or via SD card |
Two way
communication: 1 Data to server (via FTP) 2 Webserver (via LAN or via internet) The webserver is also remote available via internet using wireless GPRS/3G router and sim card has fixed ip nr See demo webserver here |
1) by setting time and date the system will restart, in
this way it is possible to set a start time (eg 12:00)
for synchronisation. Also the upload time can be changed in
this way.
2) password protected
3) a practical tool for combining of downloaded files to one file is
available, see manual here
4) some mentioned features may not yet be available as each
system is supplied according your specifications
This is another useful tool for checking the operation of
the iBOX via webserver!
The instantaneous value of every active channel is displayed in
the first column and is updated every sample interval.
The last recorded values are displayed in the other columns. The
last recorded values are updated every record interval.
Use this option to enter parameters, see
Help embedded
After setting the time/date the iBOX resets but data
remains on the card.
If you reset the time the system will restart (for
synchronisation purposes eg start at 12:00)
If hardware is implemented up to 3 switches can be operated via your
The state of the switch is displayed in the Status menu.
The switch has an open collector output and can be expanded with a power relay
In this menu can be set:
Select the input channels activated on your Logger. Note: A
selected channel has a fixed Input Type.
After you have selected a channel, you can fill in a Quantity
and a Unit (for example Quantity=Temperature and Unit=C).
Select a Minimum, Maximum, Average, Deviation or a Log sample.
Note: If Log sample is selected then all other options will be
The define alarm via SMS or e-mail can be set or changed by channel.
Afterwards the memory card needs to be prepared (all new parameters
are saved on the card and the logger read this data at start-up).
Alarms can be specified: with several possibilities (higher/lower/between
an alarm value)
2 alarms with hardware output for switching are possible
and alarms for sending sms/ email alarm notifications
> Procedure for changing the anemometer calibration:
When a calibrated anemometer must be exchanged, the channel configuration
should be changed of that logger, according to the anemometer calibration data.
Follow this procedure:
* download all old data from cards, using the original configuration
* choose Memory Card, logger configuration and enter the password (available
from your supplier)
* select in channel configuration the corresponding wind input channel
note that: the calibration curve of a linear anemometer is expressed by: (refer
to calibration certificate)
v = af + b v=wind speed (m/s), a=slope, f = frequency (Hz), b=offset
so in order to calibrate the datalogger according to the calibration data of
the anemometer:
- enter the new offset of the new anemometer (e.g. 0.365 m/s)
- enter new maximum of the range . The new range for a calibrated anemometer
is calculated via:
old range * new slope/old slope (eg new range = 50 * 0,76/ 0,77 (50 is old
range, 0,76 is new slope, 0,77 is old slope)
* save the new configuration
* put the memory card of the logger in the SD Card slot of the PC
* prepare the card with the new configuration and put the memory card in the
logger again
> Procedure for adjusting wind vane in software
The direction indication of the wind vane can be "fine tuned" in software.
Follow this procedure:
* download all old data from cards, using the original configuration
* choose Memory Card, logger configuration and enter the password (available
from your supplier)
* select in channel configuration the corresponding wind vane channel and enter
the required value in the offset field.
Eg when you want that the direction must indicate 11 degrees more enter
value 11.
Note that the offset value must always be a positive value, so when you
want to decrease the vane reading with eg 9 degrees
you should add (360-9)=351 degrees!
* save the new configuration
* put the memory card of the logger in the SD Card slot of the PC
* prepare the card with the new configuration and put the memory card in the
logger again
> After starting the program there is no Configuration file listed.
The program can not find any Configuration files in the directory
in which the program is installed.
Copy your Configuration file
into the directory in which the program is installed.
> Setup can not find an SD card drive.
If an SD card drive is installed at your computer select the right SD card drive
A SD Card drive can also realized via usb !
> No memory card in slot present error.
There is no memory card in the slot which is installed by the
setup option.
Put the memory card in the correct slot
and see which drive letter is active.
>After preparing the iBOX reacts with a "card not prepared"
The card is probably not prepared.
Note that it is NOT required to format the card. If you fotmat the card
you must do this using FAT (not FAT32)
and fast (without MS DOS starting up!)
- a practical tool for combining of downloaded files to one file is available, see manual here
- if the system is not responding at all OR a LED is
continiously ON :switch power off
and reconnect again for restart
(LEDS will be flashing and green LED wll flash dring sampling only)
EKOPOWER reservers the right to change specifications and functions without prior notice, for improvement of the system
The Metaalunie conditions are applicable for this system.