Help version march 2012

The embedded webserver is a BASIC webserver intended for:
- setup (adjusting parameters, see below)
- system check (reading status and values)
- control options (setting switches and clear memory card)

Setting Time and Control of switches can ONLY be carried out via the webserver!
Automatic UTC time/date synchronisation is a new feature for firmware versions 7.7 and higher
and can be activated using the control software (Ethernet settings) . The synchronisation takes
place after sending a file with current values (must ALSO be activated!).

In version 8 firmware there is also a possibility to log the values at fixed 10 minutes intervals,
and logging exactly at eg 10:00, 10:10 , 10:20 etc. In this way logger networks can be synchronised
and correlation with eg meteo stations is possible.

The embedded webserver can also be used remote over the internet
so the below mentioned parameters can also be changed online,
see the instructions mentioned in the hardware manual, see the link below

Quick and easy adjusting of parameters can also be carried out using the
(supplied) iBOX-EKO21N control software (prepare SD card with logger parameters).
Moreover additional parameters can be entered, like:(see also the table below)
- ip address of the iBOX
- alarm settings etc. can be entered (if implemented)
- duration of time the (wireless 3G/GPRS) router is switched on
- ultra low power consumption for remote or mobile applications
- ranges, units and quantities can be changed (password protected)
for eg general inputs (like 4..20 mA , 0..5/10V etc.)
Overview of parameters which can be entered via webserver or via prepare SD card, see table below

Besides a webserver the iBOX has also an embedded FTP client ,which can send files automatically to
a server or to the free FTP Cloud. Note that the files send via FTP are in sectors of 512 bytes, so it is not
possible to send it frequently: each 10 minutes is a practical value (also for updating optional online graphs.
The webserver is NOT available during FTP sessions, so keep this limited or disable it.
When the webserver is not to access try to restart the browser or use Control F5

For more detailed information see online manual (hardware & software)

See below the parameters which can be entered via the embedded webserver:
E-mail address 1
E-mail address 2
FTP Directory(Current)
FTP Directory (Data)
FTP Interval (Current)
FTP Interval (Data)
FTP IP Address
FTP Username
FTP Password
Sample Interval
Record Interval

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logger pararameter:  possibilities iBOX
time and date 1)  via webserver and automatically UTC time /date when activated
sample interval  via webserver and via SD card
record interval  via webserver and via SD card
upload interval  via webserver and via SD card
 (sending datafiles and current values may have different intervals)
ip address/map server/etc.  via webserver and via SD card
ip address of system  via SD card
set input type and nr 2)  via SD card
ranges and units 2)  via SD card
sample/record delay 2)  via SD card
set alarm conditions 2) 4)  via SD card
sms alarm message 4)  (via forwarded email)
email alarm message 4)  via SD card
 (email address also via webserver)
description of logger  via webserver and via SD card
timer switch settings & low power mode 4)  via SD card (switching GPRS/3G router)
operation & actions
controlling outputs 4)  via webserver (also over internet!)
clear card  via webserver and via SD card
read values and status  via webserver and via
 optional online webdisplay / graphs
download data 3)  via FTP (automatically) or
 via SD card

 Two way communication:
 A Data to server (via FTP)
 B Webserver (via LAN or via internet)

 The webserver is also remote available
 via internet using  wireless GPRS/3G
 router and sim card has fixed ip  nr

 1) by setting time and date the system will restart,
  in this way it is also possible to set a start time (eg 12:00)
  for synchronisation.
  Also the upload time can be changed in this way
 2) password protected
 3) a practical tool for combining of downloaded files
  to one file s available, see manual here
 4) some mentioned features may not yet be available as each
  system is supplied according your specifications